Friday, July 6, 2007

IMHR 4th Annual Request for Reseach Grant Application

APPLICATION RECEIPT DATE: Application Deadline: September 4, 2007

PURPOSE: The Institute for Mental Health Research invites applications for pilot studies to support basic science and clinical research on mental disorders and mental health.

MECHANISMS OF SUPPORT: Grants of up to $25,000 for individual investigators and $50,000 for collaborative grants will be made, subject to availability of funds. The funding period is for one year. No indirect costs will be paid. ELIGIBILITY: Research performance sites must be in Arizona. Investigators who have received one IMHR grant in the past are eligible to apply for another IMHR grant on a different project; their application must mention the previous grant, its progress to date, and any published works about it. Investigators may receive only two consecutive IMHR grants; after two consecutive grants they must wait one year before applying for another grant.RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: The Institute for Mental Health Research Pilot Study Program is designed to facilitate new research on mental disorders and mental health.

Information obtained from the research should allow for subsequent submission for competitive grant support through other funding agencies or have commercial potential.

Proposals related to IMHR's focus on the understanding, treatment and prevention of mental illness and the promotion and maintenance of mental health from a developmental lifespan perspective--the study of mental illness and health in children, adolescents, adults and later in life--are encouraged. IMHR also encourages, but does not require, the submission of applications for studies of Hispanic and Native American populations.

All proposals must include a preliminary plan and timeline for submission of a competitive grant application to another funding source.The mission of the Institute for Mental Health Research encourages collaboration between institutions. Therefore, in addition to individual grants of $25,000, the Institute will award two $50,000 grants for research that demonstrates collaboration between two or more institutions (e.g., universities or hospitals) within the state of Arizona.Full Application:

1) Completion of the Verification of No Prior Funding form (attached to this announcement or available from IMHR - request at
2) A list of 5 names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of suggested reviewers for the application. The suggested reviewers should not work with the applicant and should, preferably, work out of state.
3) The PHS research grant application instructions and forms (rev. 4/2006) at must be used in applying for these funds. Applications must include:
a. Face page/Grant Application (form page 1, and page 1-continued if there are multiple investigators)
b. Description, Performance Sites, and Personnel (form page 2)
c. Table of Contents (form page 3)
d. Detailed Budget (form page 4 – budget is limited to $25,000 for an individual grant or $50,000 for a collaborative grant – indirect costs are not allowed)
e. Biographical Sketch(es) for key personnel
f. Resources
g. Checklist
4) Research Plan to include (limited to 5 pages):
a. State whether you are applying for an individual grant of $25,000 or a collaborative grant of $50,000 (collaborative grants must demonstrate collaborative work between at least two mental health research institutions in Arizona).
b. Specific Aims
c. Background and Significance. Clearly state how the research relates to mental health issues
d. Preliminary Studies
e. Research Design and Methods. Make explicit what pilot data will be obtained if requested funds are awarded.
f. Timeline and Plan for Submission of Competitive Grant Application
g. Human Subjects (if applicable)
h. Vertebrate Animals (if applicable)
i. Literature Cited
5) Appendices are limited to two publications, manuscripts, abstracts, patents, or other printed materials directly relevant to the proposal.

SUBMIT APPLICATION: Email the entire application as one file, appendices can be in a separate file in the same email to: Mail the original signed application to:Carol Lagesse, Operations DirectorInstitute for Mental Health Research222 W. Thomas Road, Suite 414Phoenix, AZ 85013

APPLICATION REVIEW CRITERIA: Applications will be reviewed for scientific and technical merit by Internal and External Scientific Advisors. Applications will be rated based on 1) significance, 2) quality, innovation, and feasibility, 3) use of existing facilities, 4) potential of applicant to develop a successful research program in the field, 5) likelihood of leading to a successful grant application from another source or commercial potential, and 6) compatibility with IMHR’s statewide mental health vision and mission. Final award decisions will be made by the Board of Directors of IMHR in January 2008. Notification of Awards will be available no later than January 31, 2008. The expected funding start date of successful applications will be March 3, 2008.

INQUIRIES: Inquiries are encouraged and can be directed to:Carol Lagesse, Operations DirectorInstitute for Mental Health Research222 W. Thomas Road, Suite 414Phoenix, AZ 85013Email: 602.406.4360

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