Thursday, June 28, 2007

Instrument Development for Biological Research

The Instrument Development for Biological Research (IDBR) Program supports the development of novel instrumentation or instrumentation that has been improved by an order of magnitude or more in some aspects. Supported instruments are anticipated to have a significant impact on the study of biological systems at any level. The IDBR Program also supports the development or major improvement of software for the operation of instruments or the primary analysis of instrument data where these software developments have the effect of improving instrument performance by at least an order of magnitude in some aspects. Proposals are encouraged for proof-of-concept development for entirely novel instrumentation. Proposals are encouraged for instrument developments that are expected to meet a broad need in the biological community in areas supported by NSF Biology programs. Proposals are encouraged for instrumentation that does not currently exist in the form of a working prototype. In the selection of projects for support, the program emphasizes the development of biological instrumentation that is not clinical or biomedical instrumentation.

Link to Full Announcement
NSF Publication 07-568

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:
NSF support

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